A friend of mine just sent out this email to a few people:
"Are any of you thinking of taking the Professional Seminar in [some department]? Or have you heard anything about the degree to which is is (or isn't?) helpful?"
Confused about what class she could be talking about since I don't know of any that offer degrees, helpful or otherwise, I replied:
"I'm not sure exactly what you mean by degree... isn't this the class where they talk about applying for jobs and what you need to do? If so, I really recommend going. ..."
And she responded:
"Thanks, Seadragon - I meant "degree" like a measure word (like: how helpful was it?), not "degree" like PhD, MA, BA. :) sorry for the confusion. Yes, it's the class where they talk about applying for jobs and stuff like that."
At which point I felt very silly and laughed at myself.
Clearly I have been obsessing about degrees lately. The PhD kind.
As for that seminar, I took it, and I thought it was really useful, actually. It may not have been super in-depth, but it introduced me to things I knew nothing about at the time, like grants.
Posted by: ianqui | Monday, January 30, 2006 at 02:22 PM
You think it would get a little easier to understand as you move forward, but it winds up being more complex. I'm about halfway between my Master's Degree and my School Administrator certificate and have been pondering moving forward to the PhD from that point. But the money, and the work, and the time it would eat, those are all daunting.
Posted by: Claude | Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 07:57 AM