Okay, I'm not going to keep messing around with trying to edit our ultrasound video, which is somewhat blurry, long, and probably uninteresting to the rest of the world.
But I will tell you the sex of the baby.
I'm really excited about that, even though honestly I would have been just as excited to find out it's a girl. I just feel like it makes this baby more of a growing person and less of an "it".
So now people are starting to ask us what we are going to name the baby, what color theme we plan for the nursery, etc. Well, previously they were asking whether I plan to breastfeed and how much weight I've gained, so I guess these are less personal questions now. :)
To answer these questions:
- A name: We really don't know yet. But last week we sat around with my extended family for about an hour and a half straight going over potential names. Even my younger cousins (11 and 7) participated the whole time, and eventually got out paper and started writing up lists for us! The only oddball name the youngest threw in there was "Soybean" (for some reason, she had resorted to looking at a list of ingredients for inspiration), but the rest were all good reasonable names. So to you all, please feel free to offer suggestions! But don't be offended if I don't actually respond to the names you come up with. I am a little burnt out from the name generation session because I felt like we had to respond to every single suggestion with either a decision to write it on the growing list or come up with new and polite ways to reject it.
- A color theme: No idea. Well, we probably won't go with pinks. But other than that, I have no idea. Maybe leaning towards pastels rather than primary colors?
- Breastfeeding: I have to say, I'm a little uncomfortable with this question. I mean, if I say yes (and I do plan to try), then people say things like "oh good, that's best for the baby." But what if I were to say no, then what would they say or be thinking? For one thing, I will be going back to work, not staying at home for months on end, so that introduces some logistical issues. (I'm not saying they are insurmountable issues, just that there are issues.) Furthermore, my understanding is that sometimes it's just hard to breastfeed and I don't want to be judged for whatever decision ends up being right for us. I guess people are expecting that I'll say yes, I plan to breastfeed, and then they can respond knowingly about how it's best for the baby. But if in the end I end up not breastfeeding, I really don't feel like I should have to explain my choice to people. My solution, for now, is just to say that yes, I plan to breastfeed, and I leave it at that.
- Weight Gain: You probably think I'm kidding when I tell you that people ask about this, but I'm not. I guess they think that weight gain in pregnancy is natural and a good thing and I will be just as happy to talk about this aspect of my growing body as I am to discuss the growing baby. But guess what, I'm not comfortable with this question either! At first I was gaining a pound a week, which is apparently normal, so I didn't really mind telling people (after I got over the initial shock of the question and refrained from asking them whether they were gaining weight). But in the past week I spent several days at home and ate very well and slept a lot, and gained three extra pounds. Wouldn't that be normal if I weren't pregnant? I don't even know for sure because I don't usually weigh myself that often to notice ups and downs like that. But of course, now I get weighed all the time (once a month). When I asked my doctor about whether this amount was too much, she said, yeah, maybe you should slow it down a little. But really, this is over an extra three pounds more than I should have gained this month! So in spite of her response, I've decided not to worry about it. I'll pay attention to what I eat in case I suddenly go on an eating binge, but recently my cravings have been for fruits, so really, I'm not going to obsess about it. Anyway, I just don't feel like I should have to disclose my weight to whoever asks just because I am pregnant. I think from now on I'm just going to say that of course I'm gaining weight but that I'm not worrying too much about the numbers because I'm within the normal range.
Also, I really need to take a new belly shot. I'm definitely looking more pregnant now at 5 1/2 months than I did at four months.
Updated to add: If a close family member or friend reads this and thinks, hey I asked her about breastfeeding or weight, let me just say now that I am not talking about you. (Particularly JCM - we're supposed to talk about breastfeeding! Same goes for family this past week, and especially since I was asking about it.) I'm talking about acquaintances.
Also, the first two points, about names and a color theme - those aren't complaints! Those are legitimate questions we have gotten, so I was trying to answer them.
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