On the train, I finished prepping a lecture and felt rather pleased with myself that I was more prepared for the day than usual. It wasn't until ten minutes before I had to be at my first class that I realized I'd forgotten the copies of instructions I wanted to hand out to my students at the beginning of class. I'd intended to run a demonstration of a social psych experiment and I needed to make some of the students act as confederates in the experiment.
So I took off running. I needed to be sure I wouldn't be the last one to arrive to class - not that I usually am, but today I had to be sure. I wanted to give the instructions verbally to whoever was already in class, and whoever walked in after that would be the true participants. So I rushed from the train station to campus, and through the lengthy maze of hallways and stairs that lead to my classroom.
And that's when I lost my footing - as I was reaching a landing at the top of (seriously) a little rise of three steps. My first thought was to save the computer in my backpack from crashing into the railing. My second thought was to save my shins from crashing into the stair. And that's how my face came to crash into the banister, prompting the group of students passing by in the other direction to gasp and ask if I was ok.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" I answered a little too breezily. No big deal. Just my face.
Within two hours, the imprint of the banister on my cheek became clear.
(This actually happened yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to post it.)
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